TRILITY BD Newsletter August 2021

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For employees of the TRILITY Group and Joint Ventures


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Ensuring availability of services for remote Northern

Peninsula Area (NPA) communities

The Northern Peninsula Area Region is a local government area in Far North

Queensland, Australia, covering areas on the northwestern coast of Cape York

Peninsula. It was created in March 2008 out of three Aboriginal Shires and two

autonomous Island Councils during a period of statewide local government

reform. The area has a population of 2773 (NPARC Annual Report 2018-2019).

TRILITY operates and maintains the region’s water treatment facilities on

behalf of the Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council (NPARC). The Jardine

River pump station and Bamaga Water Treatment Plant (WTP), including the

networks for each community, are among the assets we manage as part of our

contract with the Council. The Jardine pump station is located approximately

17km from the Bamaga WTP and is the single water supply for the surrounding

communities. The water from the Jardine River pump station is pumped to the

Bamaga WTP, where it is treated to Australian drinking water guidelines and

then distributed to the communities.

The pump station is fed from a single supply line electrical connection that

runs into town along the powerline track. Throughout the year, mainly during

the wet season, several factors will cause an interruption to this power supply;

these factors could be a tree fallen across the power lines, a lightning strike, or

a transformer failure. In addition, the remoteness of the pump station and the

inability to safely access it during the wet season can mean that the power

supply may be off for several days meaning that water cannot be pumped to

the Bamaga WTP. Therefore drinking water supply is at risk.

Tim Overland, Commercial Manager Operations

Generator transported to the NPA, awaiting civil works to be

completed before it can be installed and tested

3000L MaxiBund fuel tank

Generator station

NPARC requested TRILITY to initiate a project to investigate a second

alternative power supply if the main power supply was to fail. The proposal

was successful, and the project is now complete. The project included; the

design and installation of a diesel-powered backup generator to supply power

to the Jardine pump station in the event of a power failure and ensure that the

pump station can continue to provide water to the local communities.

The generator system installed will automatically start in the event of a

power failure and can run for up to a week unattended. TRILITY worked in

partnership with NPARC on the project and engaged local contracts to

complete the installation works.

NPARC and the communities it serves can now be assured of their services

being supplied without interruption all year round by installing the

diesel-powered backup generator.

Generator station

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