TRILITY BD Newsletter August 2021

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Newsletter for TRILITY Group and Joint Venture clients

Remote community emergency response

There are very few people that can lay claim to their job being considered so important that they will be provided with a chartered plane and police escort to

attend a job.

This is exactly what happened for the WA Service team on Friday 16 July 2021.

Towards the end of 2020 a major organisation based in the Pilbara approached the WA Service team requesting support, should the need arise, for onsite gas

leaks. Like many organisations they suffered due to COVID-19 with border restrictions limiting fly in fly out staff, leaving them in a situation that made covering

these events very difficult.

At approximately 9 am Friday 16 July we received a call requesting assistance. There was a large chlorine gas leak at the remote Aboriginal Community of

Burringurrah in the Gascoyne region of WA. This call saw all available persons swing into action. A plan was very quickly developed, with a contingency plan in

place, should our first plan not be possible.

Our two options were, one, to drive the 10 or so hours to site, or two, to somehow arrange a flight. In consultation with our client, a charter flight was arranged.

This plane was to take our Service Technicians to site and wait on the airstrip, while a police escort transferred them, with all their equipment, to site. With the

plane returning them to Perth once the work had been completed.

While the plane was readied our two Service Technicians, were given the task of identifying all parts to cover every scenario that would be required to ensure

the site was left in a safe and operational manner. Ably assisted by our storeman, parts were packed and readied to be taken to the chartered plane.

At 1:30 pm the flight departed Jandakot airport, landing at about 3:30 pm, our Service Technicians were immediately onto the job. They were able to

successfully identify the source of the leak, rectify the situation and identify safety improvements that could be made onsite. They were back at the airstrip

and boarding the chartered flight by 6 pm.

Our Service Technicians landed and were on their way home by no later than 9 pm Friday night. We have since received feedback from the client, comment-

ing that, “the response time and level of service provided by the team was exceptional. The effort and flexibility of the team to drop everything, mobilise to a

remote area of WA and complete an emergency response inside of 12 hours, was nothing short of the high-quality service we have come to

expect from TRILITY.”

For more information please contact Steve Shakespeare, Service Manager Western Australia

The chartered plane

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