Issue: December 2021
An end of year snapshot of TRILITY’s contracts and projectsnews
2021 - That’s a wrap!
Meeting a client’s needs
by increasing disinfection
Page 15
Work continues in Tasmania
Page 16
Driving productivity and
Page 17
Close call for Rotorua Airport
Pump Station
Page 18
Can you predict which water
pumps are faulty?
Page 19
Water Industry Operators
Association announce the
Kwatye Cultural Recognition
Award winner for 2021
Page 20
Creating connection to our
First Nations People and
Page 22
Newsletter for TRILITY Group and Joint Venture clients
In this Issue
TRILITY - Celebrating
30 years
Page 5
New Zealand modular
solutions team hits its
Page 10
Working with Council to
produce clean, healthy
drinking water
Page 11
Improving tank water
quality in the Goldfields
and Agricultural Region in
Western Australia
Page 12
Removing soluble iron from
irrigation source water to
minimise system downtime
and maintenance costs
Page 13
Wakefield Community
Wastewater Management
Page 14
Newsletter for TRILITY Group and Joint Venture clients
Dear valued clients and partners,
On behalf of the TRILITY Group, we wish you and your families a safe and
very happy festive season. We also want to take this opportunity to thank
you for another successful year which has been achieved despite several
challenges, which included the ever-present and evolving pandemic.
This year’s success, as in prior years, is due to the dedication and focus of
our wonderful employees and the special relationships we have built over
the years. TRILITY would not be where it is today without you, our clients
and partners.
The end of one year, and the start of another, is a time where we
typically wrap up the year’s activities, reflect, plan strategic initiatives
for the coming year, and celebrate our accomplishments. We are doing
all of these, and our reflections revealed another year of excellent service
delivery, growth, and many positive learnings. For example, during 2020,
we implemented emergency pandemic measures, and during 2021, we
embarked on our journey of replacing these with permanent, sustainable
measures to coexist with the virus. This journey will continue during
2022, making for exciting times, for so many of our learnings include
better ways to work, communicate, and deliver services. We are
confident that we will be afforded increased opportunities to meet
with our employees and clients in person across New Zealand and
Australia in the coming year.
To close out this year, we thought it fitting to share some of the great
work achieved throughout 2021, and we take you through our very rich
history as we celebrate 30 years at TRILITY.
From the entire TRILITY team, it’s been a privilege to work with you and
the communities we serve, and we look forward to working with you
again in 2022.
Francois Gouws
Managing Director
Francois Gouws
Managing Director
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Newsletter for TRILITY Group and Joint Venture clients
Celebrating 30 years
As we celebrate our 30th anniversary, it’s important to take the time to reflect on how our
business has prospered. We would also like to recognise that it is through the dedication of our
employees and the relationships we have built over the years with you, our clients, and our
partners that have made TRILITY the company it is today.
TRILITY was incorporated on 7 August 1991, from its humble beginnings in Australia as Northwest Water. Over the three decades, TRILITY
has transitioned from Northwest Water to United Utilities Australia to TRILITY, and it has seen three owners. Initially United Utilities (formerly
Northwest Water), Mitsubishi Corporation acquired the Company in 2010, and in 2018 Beijing Enterprises Water Group became our new
Shareholders. Our first contract commenced in Victoria in 1993 with the award of Yan Yean Water Treatment plant, and from, there we have
continued to grow.
Over the years, we have delivered hundreds of small to large projects. Today, we have over 300 employees operating 52 water, wastewater
plants, and reuse schemes, 132 pumps stations, and 585 km of network pipelines. We treat over 1.8 GL of water per day, and process over 60k
tonnes of biosolids per year, and service over 400 facilities across Australia and New Zealand.
All of which could not have been achieved without the support of our clients and partners and the communities in which we serve, and the
continued commitment from our employees and shareholders. We look forward to further expanding and diversifying our portfolio of
services to ensure we continue to meet the needs of the ever-changing water sector.
Decade 1991 – 2001
TRILITY Pty Ltd was incorporated 7 August 1991 (formerly
Northwest Water/United Utilities)
Yan Yean (VIC) 1993
Macarthur Water Filtration Plant (NSW) 1993
Northwest Water and North Western Electricity Board
(NORWEB) merge to form United Utilities PLC 1995
Riverland Water Project (SA) 1996
QNI Yabulu Reuse Plant (QLD) 2000
Onkaparinga Wastewater Treatment Plant (SA) 2000
Northwest Water change their name to United Utilities
Australia (UUA) 2001
Newsletter for TRILITY Group and Joint Venture clients
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Decade 2002 – 2011
Coliban O&M Services - referred to as Campaspe Asset
Management (CAMS) (VIC) 2003
Victor Harbor Wastewater Treatment Plant (SA) 2004
Berri Barmera Reuse Scheme (SA) 2005
Seqwater; Field Operations and Maintenance Services
(QLD) 2006
Townsville City Council Water Supply Upgrade Project
(QLD) 2008
Agnes Water Seventeen Seventy Integrated Water Project
(QLD) 2008
Adelaide Desalination Project (SA) 2009
Energy Resources of Australia Ltd Water Treatment Plant
(NT) 2009
Lion Nathan Wastewater Recycling Plant (QLD) 2009
Waikerie Wastewater Scheme (SA) 2009
Mitsubishi Corporation acquire UUA 2010
TRILITY officially launched 2011
Mundaring Water Treatment Plant (WA) 2011
Newsletter for TRILITY Group and Joint Venture clients
Celebrating 30 years
Northern Connector Pipeline Diversion Project
(SA) 2016
BHP MAC Project (WA) 2016
Ararat Fluoridation Project (VIC) 2016
Wentworth to Broken Hill pipeline (NSW) 2017
TasWater Regional Towns Water Supply Program
(TAS) 2017
Newman Electrolytic Chlorinators (WA) 2017
BEWG acquires TRILITY 2018
SURV Smart Ultrasonic Release of Valves
launches 2018
Adelaide Hills Community Waste Management Scheme
(SA) 2019
Macarthur Water Filtration Plant upgrade (NSW) 2019
TRILITY and Hydramet transition to one entity 2019
KOIOS enters the market first win Lower Murray Water
Rotorua Wastewater Treatment Services Contract
(NZ) 2020
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board Main Water Supply
and Treatment System (NZ) 2020
Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC) Water Quality
Improvement project (QLD) 2020
TasWater UV stage 1 project (TAS) 2021
Wakefield Regional Council community wastewater
management scheme (CWMS) 2021
Decade 2012 – 2021
TRILITY acquire Hydramet 2012
Aratula and Helidon Sewage Treatment Plant
(QLD) 2012
Grampians Operations and Maintenance (VIC) 2014
Birdwood Wastewater Treatment Plant (SA) 2014
Northern Peninsula Area (Nth QLD) 2014
TRILITY acquire Water Infrastructure Group’s
Operations business (Pentair subsidiary) 2015
Mangawhai Water Reclamation Scheme (NZ)
Barwon Biosolids (VIC)
Coliban Water Reclamation Scheme (VIC)
Eastern Irrigation Scheme (VIC)
Virginia Water Reclamation Scheme (SA)
Newsletter for TRILITY Group and Joint Venture clients
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The Agnes Water and Seventeen Seventy Integrated Water
Project was awarded the Institute of Public Works
Engineering Australasia, Queensland (IPWEAQ) Excellence
Award for Design and Construction of a Private/Government
project over $10 million
The Adelaide Desalination Plant project won international
recognition, in winning the Project Management Institutes
(PMI) Project of the Year Award. It was also named the
International Project Management Association (IPMA) Gold
Winner for Project Excellence in Mega-Sized Projects
The Adelaide Desalination Plant project won the Global
Water Intelligence Desalination Plant of the Year Distinction
Award SA Water, C’wealth of Australia and AdelaideAqua
The Adelaide Desalination Plant project won the Project
Management Institute (Australia) Australian Project of the
Year Winner, SA Water
The Adelaide Desalination Plant project won the Water
Industry Alliance Smart Water Awards (Planning & Delivery
and Resource Management categories) Winner – Planning
and Delivery Category, SA Water
Townsville City Council Water Supply Upgrade Project was
a finalist for the Infrastructure Partnerships Australia
National Infrastructure Awards, Operator and Service
Provider Excellence Award
Adelaide’s Port Stanvac Water Desalination Plant received
the GPM Global Sustainability Project of the Year Award
for 2013
Mundaring Water Treatment Project won the Civil
Contractors Federation (CCF) Earth Awards Excellence in
Civil Construction category for a project with a capital value
greater than $75 million
Riverland Water Swan Reach water treatment plant won the
best tasting tap water in South Australia
HQ3 Finalist for the AWA Water Industry Safety
Excellence Award
TasWater’s 24 Glasses – Regional Towns Water Supply
Program was named winner of the Operator & Service
Provider Excellence award by Infrastructure Partnerships
Rossarden Water Treatment Plant (WTP) won the Water
Industry Operators Association Best Tasting Tap Water in
Australia competition
Rossarden WTP won the Best Tasting Municipal Water in
the World
Victor Harbor Wastewater Treatment Plant was a finalist
of the South Australian Engineer Excellence award
Victor Harbor Wastewater Treatment Plant was the
Overall South Australian winner of the Institution of
Engineers Australia, Engineering Excellence award
Victor Harbor Wastewater Treatment Plant was the
National award winner of the Engineering Excellence
for Environment Projects
Mundaring Water Treatment Project won the Project
Finance Magazine, Asia-Pacific Water Deal of the Year
Victor Harbor Wastewater Treatment Plant was a finalist
for the South Australian Engineering Excellence awards
Mundaring Water Treatment Project won the Infrastructure
Partnerships Australia (IPA), Government Partnership
National Infrastructure Excellence Award
Mundaring Water Treatment Project won the Global Water
Intelligence (GWI), Water Deal of the Year
The Adelaide Desalination Plant project won the National
Electrical and Communications Association National
Excellence Award Category 6 – Large Industrial Winner,
O’Donnell Griffin
The Adelaide Desalination Plant project won the Civil
Contractor’s Federation Earth Awards Category 5 – Projects
Greater than $75 Million Contract Value Winner, SA Water
and AdelaideAqua
The Adelaide Desalination Plant project won the Australian
Water Association (South Australian Branch) South
Australian Infrastructure Innovation Award Winner, SA
Water and AdelaideAqua
The Adelaide Desalination Plant project won the Master
Builders Association SA Branch Excellence in Services –
Category 6 Winner, Hindmarsh Plumbing
Newsletter for TRILITY Group and Joint Venture clients
Newsletter for TRILITY Group and Joint Venture clients
New Zealand modular solutions team hits its stride
For more information please contact Steve Jamieson, Manager Modular Solutions:
In April, TRILITY moved into its Mount Maunganui workshop in the Central North Island of New Zealand and is now fully operational. Through this facility, we
will build bespoke water treatment solutions for a broad range of clientele and provide the same quality and reliable services we have become renowned for
across the Tasman.
We now have a small team comprising of a business manager, project manager, business development manager, and technician working out of the workshop.
Since opening the office, the team has secured some significant contracts, consisting of a Water Treatment Plant (WTP) that included filtration and disinfection
with the Central Hawke’s Bay District Council; site works for a local prison WTP, with the module having been delivered to the site in November. Along with UV,
chlorine gas and sodium hypochlorite dosing modules for two local District Councils.
Delivery of the caustic dosing bund to the site with our WTP module in the background - New Zealand