TRILITY BD Newsletter December 2020

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Issue: December 2020

A snapshot year in review of TRILITY’s contracts and projects


2020 - that’s a wrap!



Newsletter for TRILITY Group and Joint Venture clients

In this Issue

Yarra Park Water Recycling

Facility Operations and

Maintenance Contract

Page 4

TRILITY partners in an

industry placement scheme

Page 5

Macarthur Water Filtration

Plant upgrade

Page 6

Macarthur raw water tanks

Page 7

TRILITY Operations and

Solutions working as one in

the Northern Peninsula Area

Page 8

SURV preventative valve


Page 10

Victor Harbor - ‘gives birth’

Page 12

‘On behalf of the TRILITY Group

and our shareholders, may 2021

bring you and your family stability,

good health, and prosperity’

Hawke’s Bay District Health

Board WTP

Page 13

TasWater receives accolades

for ‘final completion


Page 14

At your service, Sea World

Page 15

KOIOS DatalytiX

Page 16

Agnes Water desalination

plant groundwater

ultrafiltration system

Page 18

Snow in Tasmania

Page 20

Servicing critical

infrastructure during border


Page 21

Work at a major airport


Page 22

Virtual Water 2020

Page 23


Newsletter for TRILITY Group and Joint Venture clients


Dear valued clients and partners

On behalf of the TRILITY Group and its shareholder, we want to wish

you and your family a safe and happy festive season. As the year end

draws near, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for a

good year, despite its challenges. The success of the TRILITY Group is

based on the relationships we have built over the years, and we really

wouldn’t be where we are today without you.

For me, reflecting on this year has brought mixed thoughts, for the

year contained so much turmoil, unexpected challenges, and sorrow.

As nations, Australia and New Zealand managed the pandemic well

compared to other countries - yet, it caused much devastation for so

many. Our thoughts go out to those across the world that have been

and continue to be affected. We cannot change the past; however,

we can undoubtedly change the future, and it is crucial for us to also

reflect on the many positive learnings that came out of the pandemic.

2020 began with great uncertainty and ends with greater optimism.

TRILITY’s standout achievement this year brings pride. As a company,

we responded early and rapidly to the many challenges we faced,

which was only possible due to our employees’ dedication and you,

our clients, and partners. Therefore, we thought it fitting to share

some of the great work achieved across the year.

From the entire TRILITY team, it’s been a privilege to work with you

and the communities we serve, and we look forward to working

with you all again in 2021.

Francois Gouws

Managing Director

Francois Gouws

Managing Director



Newsletter for TRILITY Group and Joint Venture clients

Yarra Park Water Recycling Facility Operations and Mainten

The WRF is uniquely constructed underground in Yarra Park. The treatment

process includes the following treatment steps:

Screening and grit removal

Biological nitrogen removal activated sludge process

Membrane bioreactor




Additionally, a two-stage odour control process treats odorous air prior to

discharge to atmosphere which includes a wet chemical scrubber and an

activated carbon filter. Chemical dosing systems include aluminium

chlorohydrate, sodium hydroxide, sodium hypochlorite, liquid sugar, citric

and hydrochloric acid. All process waste including screenings, waste activated

sludge, backwash water, and chemical cleans are discharged to sewer.

Travis Dunn at the entrance of the Yarra Park Water Recycling Facility

The MCC boasts contributing to several historical milestones including

drafting the first set of rules for Australian Rules Football and hosting the

first-ever game of test cricket. Along with the playing of cricket, today’s

MCC is an umbrella organisation for hundreds of participants in 11 sporting

sections. The MCG was built in 1853 and, since then, has established a history

that compares favourably with any other in the world. Located in the heart of

Melbourne with a total capacity of 100,024, Australia’s favourite stadium is

the birthplace of Test cricket and the home of Australian football.

Surrounding the MCG are the grounds of Yarra Park, the hub of Melbourne’s

Sports and Entertainment Precinct. In summer, the recycled water is used to

irrigate the Yarra Parklands. In winter the water is used for toilet flushing and

wash down for the MCG. The Yarra Park WRF is a 600m3 per day Class A

sewer mine owned and managed by the Melbourne Cricket Club. The plant

was constructed in 2011/12 with practical completion being achieved in

November 2012.

On April 1 2020 TRILITY began a three year tenure to oversee the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) of the Yarra Park Water Recycling Facility (WRF) which is

owned and managed by the Melbourne Cricket Club (MCC). The facility is innovatively located beneath the Yarra Parklands adjacent to the Melbourne Cricket

Ground (MCG). The prestigious MCC was founded in 1838 and is regarded as the oldest sporting club in Australia with a membership base of 102,800 and

225,000 registered on the waiting list.

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Newsletter for TRILITY Group and Joint Venture clients

TRILITY partners in an industry placement scheme

Max Curtis paired with TRILITY and joined the Macarthur Water Filtration Plant

Operations team in early January to work on the optimisation of backwash parameters

In late 2019, TRILITY engaged with the University

of Sydney’s Chemical Engineering department to

participate in their industry placement scheme.

The Engineering Sydney Industry Placement Scholarship

(ESIPS) and Major Industrial Project Placement Scheme

(MIPPS) program pairs high-achieving students with

industry partners to work full-time on a nominated

project for six months. Max Curtis (ref. picture) was

paired with TRILITY and joined the Macarthur Water

Filtration Plant Operations team in early January to work

on the optimisation of backwash parameters.

During his six month secondment, Max slotted

seamlessly into the Macarthur operations team and

made excellent progress while on a steep learning

curve in drinking water treatment. His time on site

was made even more challenging due to the water

quality changes following heavy inflows to greater

Sydney’s reservoirs

For more information, please contact

Tim Overland Commercial Manager Operations:

tenance Contract

Yarra Park Water Recycling Facility pumps

Entrance to the Yarra Park plant

The WRF operates in two distinct modes throughout the year, summer and winter. In summer mode, the plant produces 600m³ per day of Class A water for

irrigation of Yarra Park. In winter mode, the plant produces 200m³ per day to supply water for toilet flushing and wash down within the Melbourne Cricket

Ground. Water is also supplied to Richmond Football Club for irrigation of Punt Rd Oval during the summer period.

In amidst all the planning, adapting, and responding to COVID-19, the Melbourne Cricket Club awarded TRILITY a three-year O&M contract for Yarra

Park Water Recycling Facility.

This contract required the team to transition in 16 days instead of the usual 6 - 12-week process time. Our team of experts consisted of; people on the

ground in Victoria and remote teams from Adelaide and Townsville.

Day one, TRILITY was ready to go without any issues; this is a real tribute to our Operations, Solutions, and support services teams for delivering on our

promise to our customer.

For more information, please contact Tim Overland Commercial Manager Operations:


Newsletter for TRILITY Group and Joint Venture clients

Macarthur Water Filtration Plant upgrade

Tank base in preparation

Tank base in preparation

Tank base in preparation

Pipe laying

2020 saw the Macarthur Water Filtration Plant upgrade project come to a close; despite the many challenges faced due to COVID-19.

The upgrade was conducted on a brownfield site (meaning the site had to remain operational at all times). The team faced COVID-19 restrictions and endured

volatile weather conditions, install and water quality challenges along the way.

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Newsletter for TRILITY Group and Joint Venture clients

The raw water tanks form an integral part of the supply system to get water

from Broughton Pass Weir on the Cataract River, to the head of the Macarthur

Water Filtration Plant three km away. This involves a two-stage pumping

process with six low lift pumps, a balance tank, four high lift pumps, and two

raw water storage tanks at the top of the hill, each of 5ML capacity. Each of

the raw water tanks is fabricated from steel plate and is 33.06 metres in

diameter with a wall height of 7.80 metres.

From the raw water tanks water flows by gravity through the plant and all

the way to Campbelltown, 15 km away. Being free of any chemicals, the raw

water tanks tend to develop their own ecosystem of weeds and fish, which

presumably pass through the two stages of pumps as eggs or fingerlings.

The image shows cleaning one of the two raw water tanks. The clean takes

approximately five days to complete.

Raw water tank cleaning at Macarthur

Macarthur raw water tanks

Click here to access Macarthur Water Filtration Plant upgrade - social media clips

Control building being lifted into place

Filter cell 8 pipe work

Sample and chemical dosing lines

TRILITY constructed two 10 ML tanks and installed pipelines during stringent ‘social distancing’ guidelines. Even more challenging was installing the

interconnecting of pipework, tanks, and filter cells while ensuring 24/7 operations.

A low voltage motor control centre (LVMCC) was manufactured in South Australia and trucked across. Once installed, the team TRILITY Solutions, Operations,

and the client conducted 12 major shutdowns, which required a great deal of planning and within a very tight timeline. The shutdowns allowed the electrical

systems, raw water and treated water process, and chemical dosing system to be thoroughly tested and to ensure operability.

In addition, the upgrade integrated our KOIOS DatalytiX service to harvest data from the operational SCADA systems and Historian for cutting edge machine

learning and data science to deliver real-time high-performance key statistical modelling, dashboard visualisation, validation, and reporting through a secure

web interface.

For more information, please contact Tim Overland Commercial Manager Operations:

For more information, please contact Tim Overland Commercial

Manager Operations:

TRILITY Operations and Solutions working as one

in the Northern Peninsula Area

Chlorine building Bamaga

Rhys Johnson and Jimmy Lawes on the job


Newsletter for TRILITY Group and Joint Venture clients

For more information please contact Adrian Blinman, Manager

Business Growth:

In early 2019, Operations discussed the option of converting the disinfection

system at the Bamaga Water Treatment Plant in the Northern Peninsula Area

(NPA) from sodium hypochlorite to gaseous chlorine. The conversion offered

the client various benefits and cost savings.

While the benefits for chlorine gas are the reduced by-product formation,

which decreases the potential of Trihalomethanes (THM) formation - resulting

in better disinfection and overall water quality, the overall focus was around

cost reductions and safety-related operational issues faced with sodium

hypochlorite disinfection.

Some of the inherent operational issues experienced with the existing sodium

hypochlorite disinfection were:

The availability of supply of sodium hypochlorite (supplied in 1000lt

Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs) on an overnight ferry from Cairns)

The degradation of sodium hypochlorite strength, particularly during

the hot summer months

Subsequent constant dosing rate changes required to maintain

consistent disinfection

Extensive storage requirements (and subsequent degradation) of

sodium hypochlorite on-site during the wet season; which is typical

during the summer months

The project provides the client with full in house services covering;

In-house chlorine training package for all on-site staff

Service and maintenance on a six-monthly and annual basis

Spare parts management for the chlorine system

Off-site technical support when required

The financial evaluation showed a substantial cost saving of over $90k

per year. Sodium hypochlorite conversion to gaseous chlorine presented a

3.5 payback period, including all training requirements and

other on-costs associated with chlorine gas.

Construction and commissioning of the conversion were completed on time

despite procurement constraints outside of TRILITY’s control. We engaged

local contractors for civil works and demolition works, which has resulted in

us having stronger relationships within the community.

An eye for detail was evident throughout the entire project with the

completion of all permits, JSEAs, and demonstration of working safely at

all times, having reported no LTIs for the project’s duration. As part of the

handover to the site operational team, our in-house service team and training

arm conducted a final practical training module providing our operators with

certification in Operate and Control Liquified Chlorine Gas Disinfection.

The overall project has resulted in a robust, cost-effective plant and

improved water quality solution for the Northern Peninsula Area (NPA)

and its communities.

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Newsletter for TRILITY Group and Joint Venture clients


SURV Preventative valve maintenance

SURV is a preventative valve maintenance

service that is efficient, safe and reliable.

Regular maintenance avoids potential network

issues that interrupt supply, cost thousands

and pose risks to business reputation

Using ultrasonic valve release technology, SURV’s valve exercise programme maintains the

integrity of networks and pipe systems. SURV reduces expensive, reputation-damaging


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