TRILITY BD Newsletter August 2021

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For employees of the TRILITY Group and Joint Ventures


Emergency reinstatement of essential services to

Rotorua residents

Just before Easter, our Rotorua team in conjunction with Rotorua Lakes

Council and network partner Fulton Hogan worked in collaboration to

reinstate vital services. Their work continued through and post-Easter to

remedy the consequences of a failed major gravity main that had affected

one of the 90 pump stations TRILITY operate and maintain across Rotorua.

The TRILITY team, Council and Fulton Hogan worked tirelessly to access

and undertake the works to reinstate the collapsed sewer main.

The Hona Road pump station pumps failed due to blocking because of the

collapse in the gravity main entering the station. The Tomo that was formed

approximately six metres upstream of the wet well was significant enough to

dump greater than 15 cubic metres of material such as pumice, rubble, house

bricks and bitumen as shown in the images below. The well level experienced

an instantaneous two metre rise due to the displacement of water caused by

the Tomo material. This material immediately incapacitated both the duty

and standby pumps rendering the pump station inoperable until the material

and the pump wet well risers were cleared of debris.

The situation was deemed a high priority emergency works; residents were

asked to minimize water use to assist with remediation. Reinstatement of

the pump station proved to be challenging; multiple specialist crews were

engaged to undertake work on the pump station. It required the mobilsation

of a significant amount of plant, people and other resources including trucks,

four large diesel pumps for pumping over the wet well, divers, fencing and

floodlights etc. on-site. The remediation works were conducted over several

attempts at night because this is when flows into the pump station were at

their lowest and sucker trucks could easily move through the roads to access

the disposal site to dump the recovered material.

Tim Overland, Commercial Manager Operations

Main collapse of Tomo forming

Represenation of material removed from pump station wet well

Throughout the reinstatement an overflow of the pump station was

completely avoided, this was an excellent result given the proximity of the

pump station to Lake Rotorua.

The reinstatement was successful due to the combined efforts of all involved;

with the restoration of the pumps in the pump well and return to normal

operations being achieved within 11 days.

Removing manhole top

Pipe relined

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